Saturday, August 23, 2008

Justin's Scrimage 8.16.08

My Rockstar/Photography Assistant

Blues Festival, Dayton, Oh

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jordan's Formal Senior Pics

Saturday, August 16, 2008

HAHAH...BETH I LOVE YOU!! Thank you for showin up and helping me & Jordan ;) love ya! You are so crazy sometimes and just make me laugh like almost no one can! (besides my man) You have such a CONTAGIOUS LAUGH! I love it! HAhahaha...yes i know we laugh alike..but I LOVE TO LAUGH! THE BEST medicine. Anyhow, thank you thank you thank you! I'm so blessed to have you as my sister!
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Jordan's Senior Pics

Had SO much fun taking Jordan's pictures, this would have to be probably one of my favorite ones..but there are just SO many to chose from I think i ended up taking around 300 pictures..just casual pictures...we still have the formal pictures to take...I think i've narrowed my favorites down to 86...but we'll have to see what Jordan thinks still

Next favorite in line is this one...I'm totally digging the black and white pictures these days..and we'll this is sepia..but same diff...This is Anthony's favorite one.

This is where we started...I really liked the rocks as the background...but ended up slipping on them and cutting my leg up pretty good and scrapped my arm up in a couple biggie right?...all apart of the job....My body was so sore for the next couple days ...all from a little slip...sheesh..

I think is is one that Jordan picked out as his favorite...but I didn't have him look through all of them yet, so that very well could change...
This one is really cool too...I don't know how i'm going to get all the good ones on here...maybe i'll do a slide show...
Anyhow...leave me some comments...I can always use some constructive criticism or ideas..
thank you!!!