Friday, November 28, 2008

Brandon's lost tooth

On Thanksgiving day, Brandon lost a tooth..and had to show everybody...AND ANTHONY!!! I can't believe you took this picture it's totally AWESOME!!

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My crazy little girl...we found a new treat that she absolutely goes crazy for...Its an apple and peanut butter twisty.... I'll open the cupboard and she'll get out the whole package of treats and open the lid...and stick her tiny snout in the container and pull out a treat and she'll run underneath the bed to devour I had to get her in'll also notice in these pictures that our poor little girl has gotten whats called " Cherry Eye "...and unfortunately it's going to cost approximately $150 dollars to have it surgically fixed...poor's so sad to look at her with her eye that way...but she's still the same old loving..rotten, ornery, little hannah that we love




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Upgrading the Bathroom

ok, so maybe it's not technically an upgrade to the bathroom, however it's definately some much need improvements for this bathroom...I really should have taken a before picture because the nasty white and green flowers did NOT go with anything least this old time barber shop border slightly matches the gold and yellow walls...or whatever color you want to call that...


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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Found a new website...Picnik

Here are few of my newest creations with this website

Everyone in the Family

..needs to be awesome would it be to stay in contact with each other and what's going on each other's lives?..I think my sister and I need to gang up and get the other family members all blogging at the same place...and get our websites connected so that we are being notified when someone has good news to share ...or an inspirational story.....i mean practically all of are sending texts to each other these days...all we have to do is text your blogspot and BAM!..sharing your good days with each other...just liket that, it really is that easy...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jennifer & Angela's Fall pictures

Brandon & Bryce Fall Pictures

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

zanesville's famous for pottery has these huge larger than life size vases all over the city

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1st good snow of the year...can you see it in this pic

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Got Guac?

at chipotle racing to chow down our food to make it back home by 7 pm to watch our y&

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

headed to the corporate office to do some training for our jobs..being chauffered by the boss ...andrea

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Issue 5

too many people voted Yes.....however i wont lose my job...thank goodness

baby boy shower

Today my sister-in-law had a baby's their first boy....3rd child on the way, we had a lot of fun just sitting around the table chowing down on the good grub that wendy cooked up...yummy food and cake...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall Weather...almost gone

Our Hannah is Growing




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