Saturday, June 28, 2008

Some of my photography...

Beth & Angela...

Jennifer Rose Benson....playing in the driveway at grandma's house.

Look at me....I'm so pretty...

We are going to Grandma's House...

Sunday June 22, 2008 -

Visited Grandma and Grandpa Benson in Marion, OH...had a WONDERFUL time...first time for them to meet Anthony...and Angela...and first time we got to see their house in Marion. WOW it has been a long time since I've seen them...can't let so much time go between visits from here on out. Love you Grandma and Grandpa!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

I want to talk for a while about things. Now I might not be the best speller in the world, I also might not use caps when nessessary. Some may say I am lazy, old, and or boring. But the way I feel right now, and as for "right now" I mean my current level of living life, daily. Yhea, I have teenage kids, wow! How soon I forget that i was 17 years old one time. For that matter, I was also 8 and 15 too. I know it's hard but I only want my kids to know HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM!

Anyway.....................considering inspiration, I shall continue. The current state of things is optimistic with great hopes and potential. The lessons learned in life, good, bad, and ugly. Have all prepared me for the life to come.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hmm......not a bad deal kids....... Both grand children getting new (er) ? cars the same weekend.

So do you you really think it's a good deal grandpa?

Yep, when i was a "younger" man ..............I would've had one just like 'er!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Aww, Miss KItty. So pregnant and lovable. What shall become of your little ones? Running around the town, or in a nice cozy home with plenty of tuna and milk.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day Blowout

It was a great day. Full of golf at the mall, working four hours,eating chineese buffet, and on the way home the tire blew out. What a great topper. Ah, but wait a minute. That was'nt the topper at all.
We got the spare on, got home....and the kids fed the horses out back....
After the horses, we took a break and got ready for some real work in the garden. Jaylyn learned how to hoe. It was really turning out to be a great day after all.
So ............................................................................................Jaylyn and I decided to toss a soft ball around, I did'nt get pix of her catching but she did notice that I was reluctant to throw very hard. She said "see i can catch, are you still scared now" and the very next pitch..................BOOM off the glove heel and right into her eye!

That's the topper...or do you call that a shiner?;) aWW..poor girl...not to worry, she is doing ok..much better than expected..swelling is already down on day 2. And that's why daddy's worry.
Happy Father's Day Anthony Jay Strother!! We LOVE you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gee, Faith... peace. I dont even know what to say. So beautiful, soooo mean. I was just happy she decided to show up for picture night, and wanted, or actually GAVE me a hug. Who would have ever thought children could get so big and have their own ways of looking at things, that are so way off base of what the parent thinks or wishes. Wait a minute..................I think that is similar to what my own mom said once upon a time. Whatever. I do love her and hope for the best.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Isn't she gorgeous?!?

A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing.
Jaylyn, if there is one thing I could tell you that i'd wish you could remember from would be..."It's the good girls who keep the diaries; the bad girls never have the time."
Your Daddy and I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!! and you can tell us anything in the world...we would still love you NO MATTER WHAT!?

How in the world can there be SOOOO many carpenter bee's and we can't seem to kill them all!!!! What to do? Currently reading...Carpenter Bee Control This is really interesting...If you want to get rid of carpenter bees without using insecticide you may want to try plugging the entrances with caulk or putty. Who'da known?! I guess swatting them/eating them are out of the questions....ok well swatting them down is still pretty fun entertainment